Free Educational Resources Section

I've spent some time updating the education section of my blog, and will soon be putting up a lot of different resources, some for my private students, but generally free to use for the public.  Here's the link to this updated new section:  Educational Materials.

I had a new student start taking lessons a little bit ago, and she was a little bit older and more able to use technology, and I thought about putting up some scales and other things that she could download and use so she wouldn't need to go out and buy a scale book or other things.  I realized that this could be a useful resource to put up for all of my students and for other teachers and their students also.  I started changing and moving things around on my blog to get the new pages set up, and I now I have the beginnings of my education section.

Some things that will be included:
-A section on each page for free resources that I have created for use with my students
-Other extremely useful resources from outside sources
-Educational books available for purchase
-Powerpoints of lessons on music theory concepts

My fledgling education section will soon include many different resources for both public and private string teachers that will be free to download and use.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

One of my hopes for my private studio is to begin using a reverse classroom method for music theory stuff that my brother's school in Utah has begun using to help teachers be able to more efficiently help their students.  The idea is that the "lecture" portion of the lesson is done as homework.  A teacher creates a video or slideshow that teaches the concepts of the next day's lessons and students can go through the lesson at their own pace.  Students then come to class to practice the concepts with the teacher available to help with the "homework" portion of the lesson.  Since the "homework" portion is done with the teacher available to answer questions, issues that would normally arise at home are resolved quicker, allowing the student to learn and solidify the material more efficiently.

I'll be trying this approach soon with a few of my students, and I'll post updates on how well it's going, what issues and problems I come up against, etc.


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